Why Is My Power Bill So High?
Mapping Energy Burden in Alabama

Here in Alabama, "residents, on average, spent more on electricity than any other state except South Carolina… with the average residential customer in Alabama spending $1,747 per year on electricity, or $145.58 every month." [AL.com]

According to ACEEE's 2020 Energy Efficiency Scorecard, none of the utilities in the Southeast is ranked in the top 20 for promoting energy efficiency, and Alabama Power is ranked dead last in the country (52 of 52).
At left is a map of energy burdens by county in Alabama. The darker the color, the higher the energy burden.
While meaningful, county-level data does not tell the whole story, however...
The map at right is color-coded by U.S Census tracts, and reveals areas of high energy burden hidden within counties.

According to ACEEE, Birmingham tops the nationwide list of 25 cities for energy costs relative to pay, and the median energy burden of Black households in Birmingham is 46% higher than that of non-Hispanic white households.
So What Can I Do?
Alabama Interfaith Power & Light and The People's Justice Council are teaming up to offer solutions, from direct assistance to systemic (policy) change​
WERiSE (Weatherizing Every Residence in the South East) can assist with weatherization and energy efficiency upgrades to lower your bills. If you are in danger of utility shutoffs or eviction, let us know, too. Also, don't forget to sign our Interfaith Statement on Energy and Equity.